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Eco-Fert Silica 20kg

Eco-Fert Silica is our least refined Grade of DE specifically for soil amendment applications and livestock rolling pits.

Eco-Fert Silica is a natural source of Plant Available Silica and trace elements.


Silica plays a highly significant role in imparting:

- Resistance to stress

- Enhanced growth

- Increased crop yield

Silica (Si) is an important element for plants, essential to good health. Silica is taken up and deposited in plant tissue, enhancing the plant's ability to deal
with both biological and environmental stresses. This in turn benefits the grower by resulting in significantly increased yields.

The proven benefits of Si in plants include:

  • -  Structural strength for reducing lodging and pest attack

  • -  Improved photosynthetic activity

  • -  Reduced drought and heat stress

  • -  Improved plant defense

  • -  Improved utilisation of fetrilisers