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1) Eco-Health Capsules 700mg 360 capsules

Eco-Health is a premium food grade Diatomaceous earth for human consumption.

Eco-Health is sun-dried and highly purified to produce the best possible quality Diatomaceous Earth for Human consumption.

Eco-Health is high in trace minerals and bio-available silica.

Eco-Health is tasteless and smooth and can be consumed with water, juice or in a smoothie.


What Does it do?


  • Reduce appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, age spots & visible signs of aging
  • Boost your brain and nervous system protection from free radicals
  • Attracts, Binds, Absorbs, Carries away toxins, heavy metals, parasites
  • Promote joint and skeletal system health, formation, and bone growth
  • Enhance your skin protection from free radicals and overall complexion
  • Stimulates cardio-vascular flexibility and flow with high affinity for oxygen
  • Alleviate harmful toxic endocrine disruptor hormones and cellular waste
  • Detoxify heavy metals, eliminate intestinal parasites & colon cleansing
  • Lower blood cholesterol concentrations and hormonal imbalances
  • Relieves your Arthritis and other joint related pains
  • Potentially relieve your atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension
  • Abundantly found in skin,hair,nails,teeth,bones,lungs,spleen,blood, cartilage
  • Reversing or Preventing many chronic diseases, ailments & illnesses